Sunday, October 26, 2014

Preferable Future

A preferable Future

“People are fed by the food industry, which pay no attention to health and are treated by the health industry, which pays no attention to food”.

The problem today is we rarely eat real food, but a substitute for it. I don’t believe approaching food from a dietary point of view works long term! Why? Because diets are always restrictive and as human beings we don’t appreciate restrictions of any proportion.

For too long, we have trusted (without question), the advice that the scientific and health community has told us. We have entered a “faith” relationship with them, similar to that which was once reserved for the church. As they preach their gospel from (untested truth at worst and evolutionary discovery at best), we the hearers, take heed as if it were the panacea of all life. Truth is, it’s not.  

We stopped eating fat, and turned to “fat free” and “reduced fat” foods, (Only to see manufacturers substitute the fat with sugar). We stopped eating eggs and proteins due to cardiac warnings. 

We drink over $100billion worth of water a year (a free resource) and billions of litres of “spring” water (in plastic bottles which contain the toxic bis-phenol-A (BPA) supposedly because  76% of us are “continually dehydrated”.

We turn to sugared water as a means of improving ones image (energy and fitness) and that market was worth $37billion in 2012), with a net growth exponentially of 13% per anum.
Or we could buy a gym membership, and concentrate on health and fitness (estimated to be a global brand of $1 TRILLION by 2017) or we can jog 10 kilometres a day, invest in exercise equipment ($3.5 billion per year in 2013 for USA alone!) the list goes on and on, yet the moment someone talks about a paleo lifestyle, all the scientists and nutritionist’s, creep out of the woodwork with their biased and industry funded “warnings”.

The W.H.O. estimates that diabetes will increase world wide by 30-34% globally in 2013. Presently the cost to health boards around the world is (ID is international dollars) ID$418 billion with a projected increase between ID$490.1 billion and ID$890 Billion by 2030. (economic impact report)

My question is this?

Who is going to pay for these costs (both financially and health wise)? It is YOU and I! 

The food manufacturer has paid their dues in the form of taxes to their respective governments. The pharmaceutical companies have paid their dues (in the form of taxes to their respective governments). Our governments, scientists and nutritionists will blame something else and move on. (Remember the tobacco lobbyists)? What next – Petrochemical industry, Sugar industry, Fast food industry, Soft drink and energy drink manufacturers, GM seed manufacturers, Palm oil growers? (with their slash and burn policies)?

We are at “the tipping point” in the distribution of the world’s resources and the corporate giants have sown up the banking and finance sectors, the manufacturing and food distribution industries along with the three critical factors for the quality of life to exist as we know it:

1. Food
2. Water
3. Shelter

What can we do if anything to change our preferable future?

  • Each one of us can start by taking personal responsibility for ones own well-being. 
  • Take control back for your health and personal well-being. 
  • Start making decisions over what you put into your body and of those you love. 
  • Stop putting so much “blind faith” into those who are motivated by profit and financial gain. 

It’s naive to assume that what’s on a food label is a guarantee that its specified contents won’t have a detrimental health effect along the path? Few people understand the jargon used on labeling as it is as complicated as those leaflets within your diabetes medication. Your may be staking your quality of life on your conclusion.

I recently contacted a colleague of mine in the nutrition and scientific field. He alerted me to the fact the he has never seen so much money being invested into research on a diet plan as he has seen with the paleo diet!

I wonder why that is?

Who is funding this research and why? Will its findings be honest and without bias? One only needs to watch “The men who made us fat”  to raise some astute observations.

Most of the press I have read is negative and poorly researched, with an alarmist view towards paleoists (if that’s a word). Yet the ethos of Paleolithic foods is “fresh, unprocessed, foods”. Why would that be a concern? Because it doesn't sell product (yet), and there is little profit or control held by the manufacturers, who will have to re-engineer food production from seed to distribution. (eventually they will jump on the bandwagon and produce labels that say paleo, just as they did with less than 3% fat, or Fat free, or Organic. 

It is the common man / woman, making a stand of their life.

Such interest never occurred to me 20 years ago, in fact not until I was diagnosed with failing health. It has been a long journey of discovery, yet one which I had the opportunity to take. Some are not as fortunate.

One cannot get "a little bit pregnant". As with all change, there is an inception, a conception and reception of the finished product. Start at the beginning with a personal revelation of a preferable future and then work backwards from that.

“People are fed by the food industry, which pays no attention to health; and are treated by the health industry, which pays no attention to food”.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014


Keys to the Paleo lifestyle

Diet is a word I hate to use, for goodness sake, I am a chef, so why bite the hand that feeds you (pun intended). 

No-body wants to be on a diet. Eating this way is a lifestyle change. We try to eat well, and that means real food, not fake, processed food. Eat lean meats, and vegetables, nuts and seeds, some fruit, little starch and no sugar. Do we have cheat days? Of course we do, but better to view all food as fuel and the cleaner the fuel, the better the burn.

I have been on a bit of a crusade of late, brought about by a health crisis which was killing me. Fortunately, I got a second chance at getting it right, when so many people don’t. So if I appear to be on my soap box, I have a vested interest in my future well-being and hopefully yours.

I hasten to add, that I “stumbled” on the lifestyle known as Paleo whilst researching medical and nutritional sites to help me combat my drastic health slump. I wasn't looking for a diet, I was searching for an answer to deal with my health issues. I had noticed that the choices I had already made, were reaping drastic results and I wanted to know why? Was it chance?, was it temporal? or was my eating habits that were bringing the results?

The term Paleo is an enigma really and I prefer to refer to my changes as being reverting to “whole foods” and refusing any foods which have gone through a processing plant. 
I need to qualify my expertise here. I am a trained and qualified chef with 40+ years of practical experience, qualified in: food and meat technology, butchery, bakery, meat inspection, small goods manufacturing, adult teaching, work place assessor and life coach. I love food and it nearly killed me!

I think I am qualified to make an informed observation with a vested interest in a positive outcome.

First of all, I had to acknowledge the state I was in, despite medical intervention and following their advice and medication, I was getting worse. The medications were having ongoing effects on my body, from high blood pressure, protein in my urine, kidney pains, stomach pain, cold sweats, ridiculously high sugar levels, dizziness, abscesses, depression and general feeling of un-wellness. I couldn’t sleep or focus. My weight (though I had lost 15 kg) was still in the obese BMI range. My diet was sensible and I don’t drink, smoke or take drugs, so there was little left for me to do, yet I was getting worse on a day by day basis. 

My inspiration came from a bible passage found in the book of Ephesians 6:13and having done all, to stand”. The two keys are found in its verse:

  1. We need to do what is within our ability to do (eat the way we were intended to eat)
  2. Make it a habit by starting, continuing and sticking to the plan. Do and Stand.

Blame is useless and unproductive. I can be consoled by professionals that call my state “a genetic issue”, I can blame the pharmaceutical companies for their toxic blends, even the scientists and medical professionals for not providing a cure, but the truths are far more sinister than that. I believe it comes in the boxes, packets and cans that we open on a daily basis, because we “trust” the labels.

We have been conditioned by our governments to believe that the food manufacturing regulations are safe and by following the latest scientific viewpoint we will be fine? My question to them is this. Why do we have a worldwide diabetes epidemic? Why is cancer so prevalent in the western world?, and why is natural fat bad for us, but sugar isn't?  

Well let me answer that for you! Because our food source is processed and adjusted in order to last longer, be more addictive to our palette and bodies, thus making more profit for the producers. We have swallowed the marketing hype for sugared drinks masquerading as energy sources and consume bottled water @ $4-$6 a bottle as if to avoid some pending onset of internal combustion. 

No amount of water drinking will improve one’s health if the food we consume is fueled with sugar, fats, antibiotics, (from animal sources), pesticides (from crops) nitrates and nitrites, (carcinogenic), food extenders, gluten, stabilisers and anti-oxidants. If it’s processed it isn't natural, and our bodies are not designed to deal with such continual pollutants and carcinogenic materials. 

Interestingly, a German corpse will take several weeks longer to decompose (than elsewhere in Europe), due to the high levels of nitrates consumed through their favourite food, sausage. Humans after all are meat, and the same process used to cure meat, enters us via our food sources.
And before anyone accuses me of being a vegetarian and anti-meat eater? Forget it! I make my own sausages, butcher my own meat and probably consume more meat than the average male. Ensuring we know what’s in our food and trusts its source is key. Don’t trust the label; eat food that doesn't have one where possible.

Here are some facts that helped me take back control over my health decline.

Fact 1 Most diets today are high in carbs, sugar, refined grains, and industrial vegetable oils, with very little healthy animal fat. Yet every cell in our body is made from fat, and we need a lot of the nutrient-rich kind in animal meat for hormone balance, immune health, and optimal performance. Research also suggests that a high-fat diet can also cause metabolic changes and speed weight loss.

Fact 2 Since the advent of agriculture, we've slowly increased our grain consumption. Today, some of the cheapest and most readily available foods are made from inexpensive, subsidized grains such as corn and wheat. These foods, like cereal, bread, pasta, and pizza, are also largely devoid of nutrients. They drive up insulin, putting our bodies in fat-storing mode, and cause us to crave more of them by the use of chemical additives. Try visiting your cafĂ© and asking this question? “What can I eat that hasn’t got starch, gluten or flour in it?”

Fact 3 The most nutrient-dense foods – and one of the primary components of a paleo diet – are vegetables. Try eating more of the healthiest: kale, seaweed, spinach, and arugula. The second most nutrient-dense food is meat from wild or grass-fed animals, like fish, cattle, buffalo, and boar. Animal meat is high in B vitamins, omega-3s, amino acids, and other nutrients essential to good health.

Fact 4 Before refrigeration, foods were preserved by fermentation, but today, we rarely eat fermented foods – and that's not a good thing. Fermented foods contain probiotics, healthy gut bacteria that increase digestion, nutrient delivery, and immune health. Scientists believe probiotics in fermented foods like sauerkraut were crucial to gut health thousands of years go.

Fact 5 Research suggests that meat from industrially raised livestock fed growth hormones, antibiotics, and unnatural grain feed contains harmful chemical residues and fewer nutrients. Meat from cows that eat a high-grain diet, for example, is lower in omega-3s and CLA, a fat thought to reduce stomach fat and help prevent cancer. For these reasons, eating naturally raised or wild meat is important, as is consuming organic or locally grown produce without fertilizers, pesticides, or genetic modification.

Fact 6 One of the quickest-growing nutrition trends is intermittent fasting (IF) – going prolonged periods without eating – which research shows helps reduce the risk of diabetes, cognitive decline, heart disease, and cancer. Some of IF's biggest proponents are paleo followers, who believe our bodies were designed to go without food for long stretches. Try fasting for up to 16 hours several days a week to boost energy and mood.

Fact 7 Without doctors, mass media, and the Internet, cavemen had no choice but to listen to their bodies if they didn't feel optimal. Everyone is different. Some people have trouble with dairy, while others can't stomach wheat. One thing's certain: We can all benefit from a little self-experimentation. The paleo movement believes in learning the rhythms of your own body and eating and exercising in accordance to how you as an individual thrive best.
More than 1 Billion people around the world are obese

Post script:

My weight has stabilized with a total loss of 30kg. Blood sugar is in the normal range, H1c’s within the normal range. My blood pressure is excellent and all infections gone. I sleep well, eat well and have a more positive outlook on life. 

The miracle is found in the having done all, stand. You may be faced with a similar challenge to myself, and if that’s the case, then take back your life. Take responsibility away from the marketers, and profiteers’ by making lifestyle choices now. Sadly, though we may correct our eating habits today, any long terms effects from a lifetime of eating wrongly, may have already taken their toll. For the sake of our children, grandchildren and future generations, lets not wait for another scientific review as the evidence is clear enough right now. We are what we eat!  

In the weeks to come, I will share with you some great recipes and tips, along with a support structure to empower your progress. Follow me on twitter @coaching4lifeNZ or facebook coaching-4-life-Ltd.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Your Life Depends On It!

In recent years, I succumbed to a series of health issues which were not only affecting my daily activities, but were placing my future health in serious jeopardy. Having enjoyed a pretty robust lifestyle and blessed with mostly good health, it came as a huge shock to find out that my health had deteriorated to such
a degree that I couldn’t work, or enjoy the simple things in life. It all came to a serious conclusion with multiple visits to the doctor, surgeon and diabetes clinic.

We never really appreciate good health until it is threatened or taken away.

I have always prided myself on being well educated and versed on the benefits of eating healthily and well. So to be warned of the pending outcome, was like a bolt of lightning.  I don’t smoke, drink or do drugs, yet here I was popping 19 tablets a day, unable to walk more than ten minutes without having to lay down, or sit. I took this challenge poorly at first but came to realise that it was I that had to make a stand. 

At the beginning of 2014, I had extremely high blood sugar; H1C’s abnormally high, High blood pressure,
regular use of inhaler to combat angina and respiratory issues, unable to sleep or do a day’s work without pain medication due to a prolapsed vertebrae. I had been on a careful diet for over a year and had already lost 15 kg (35 lb). Of course all these conditions place pressure on ones state of mind and spiritual wellbeing.

This week, I met with my family doctor of 33 yrs. and he pronounced a clean bill of health.  Blood pressure excellent, blood sugar normal, H1C’s normal, Cholesterol normal and healthy weight loss amazing (a further 12 kg in 9 months).  
The diabetes nurse was so amazed that she rang me at home to say, “we are so used to progressing patients medication, that Its so amazing to see the control you have taken and the results achieved.” She also said my profile was now the same as hers and shes never had diabetes!

The results have been so effective that I have reduced medication steadily and has mostly stopped.

So what has changed? 

Well, firstly I have to acknowledge my faith in a God that heals. Secondly, taking personal responsibility to play my part in what foods I eat. And finally taking the time required in doing the research, (thus educating myself in the appropriate diet and lifestyle).

Here are the critical factors I discovered:

1.       The predominance of processed foods is engineered to sell produce (and added value) as a food source, not necessarily foods which are best for our health and well-being.

2.       Gluten and sugars are products used to bulk out and extend shelf life and occur in more products than are good for us. Many are hidden and addictive

3.       Excessive Carbohydrates can induce diabetes, increased weight and the storage of fat in the body. Reduced carbohydrate cause the metabolism to burn fat, assisting weight loss, and developing a healthier BMI. Harvard School of Public Health

In my extensive research I discovered some great journalism and some quite insidious revelations regarding the food manufacturing industry. The men who made us fat I also discovered the long term effects  that genetically modified foods will have on us the consumer, but above all, I have shaken off the symptoms of ill health that resulted in my ignorant (yet trusting nature) of my food consumption.

One must keep in mind that as with the tobacco industry, alcohol industry (and now the food processing industry), expecting an unbiased, honest and transparent stance, is somewhat like asking a vampire to guard the blood bank.  There is a vested interest to ensure that they can continue in business as long as it is possible. 
Until the “tipping point” is reached, don’t expect manufacturers, food processor, pharmaceutical body, or politicians to support their own demise.  I highly recommend that you read Fat Chance: The bitter truth about sugar by Dr. Robert Lustig.

One of the factors that concern me greatly is the lack of regulatory muscle that most governments are prepared to use to protect out health. Pharmaceutical companies have to go through a pretty rigorous process before selling their products on the open market. The food industry does not, yet more people are affected by the daily consumption of processed foods, than by medicines, which by and large are dispensed by a health care professional. I believe we are far too trusting of food manufacturers, processors, and governments, in taking the appropriate measures to ensure we are not slowly killing ourselves by simply trusting (and eating) the food on our shelves.  

I haven’t at this point raised my wholehearted objection to the insidious strategy that GM will have on us all. From full control of who owns the seed, what seed is available and grown, what chemicals are used on them and whose water is monopolized in the production, cropping, storage and what network they are sold! 

There is sufficient evidence to warn us that the future prosperity and security of Nations will not be based on the minerals in the soil, but the arable land, water supply and food it can produce. The word "kingdom" takes its root from two words. King and Dom! A king is the one who rules, and Dom is the old English word for earth, soil, land. The kingdom is all about who rules over the earth. If we give up our sovereignty and the ability to choose what we grow, we lose our ability to sustain life.

Having taken considerable time in research, soul searching and prayer, I literally took back control and personal responsibility for:

·         The foods I buy and from where
·         What and when I eat
·         What pharmaceuticals I allow in my body
·         Who I listen to about my health and whose information I trust

Here is the action that I took:

1.       If a food has been modified, processed, or enhanced, I don’t buy it or eat it.

2.       If the food label has anything written on it (other than the product you are buying), leave it.  

3.       Potatoes, Grains, wheat, pasta, rice, flour, breads and bakery is avoided like the plague.

4.       Portion size has decreased by virtue of wholesome food which sustains longer

5.       Fresh meats, vegetables, nuts (tree), coconut products (flour, oil, cream, milk) eaten daily

6.       Follow paleo recipes, lifestyle and blogs to ensure I am kept aware of new products

7.     Eat more frequently, smaller but healthier foods and as little cooking time as is safe

“He that has an experience is never at the mercy of he who has an argument”.

Or to use the old biblical passage, “Once I was blind, but now I see”  John 9:25

Diabetes and the western world are at epidemic proportions. We have trusted too long the manufacturers and big corporates which ply us with foods detrimental to our health. We trust them and have done for oh so long.  It wasn't that long ago that “fat” was the demon in our food products, but research is showing the effects of sugar are far more harmful to our bodies than fat, which the body can regulate if eaten appropriately and proportionately. We trust the marketing gurus (who are employed by corporate bodies) who in turn, sway government policies by using political lobbyists.

I believe we are likely (in the years ahead) to see food manufacturers forced to place warning labels on the food they sell, just like the tobacco companies are today. We are far too trusting of our food manufacturers; after all, one only needs to study the history of tobacco, sugar, alcohol and the slave trades, to see how far corporates are prepared to go in the pursuit of profit.

The Game on TV is sponsored by the betting agency who legitimizes their product by ending with “and please remember to gamble responsibly”, yet homes, families, careers and lives are wrecked by the ravages of gambling. The alcohol and tobacco adverts are prohibited on the player’s kit, but it appears in all other mediums, and advertisers work hard to present a wholesome image to its consumers. Sugared drinks are promoted as being the stuff of athletes, energy bursts and hip colours that look cool on television in the hand of a sporting icon. Truth is, they are killing us…over time.

The tipping point –

When the cost to the government for medical care, is greater than the revenue to the government from the food industry, we will see policy changes, for sure! Until then, we need to educate ourselves into taking personal responsibility for the foods we consume. 

After all, we are staking our lives on it.

Some links:


Your Life Depends On It!

In recent years, I have succumbed to a series of health issues which were not only affecting my daily activities, but were placing my future health in serious jeopardy. Having enjoyed a pretty robust lifestyle and blessed with mostly good health, it came as a huge shock to find out that my health had deteriorated to such a degree that I couldn’t work, or enjoy the simple things in life. It all came to a serious conclusion with multiple visits to the doctor, surgeon and diabetes clinic.
We never really appreciate good health until it is threatened or taken away. I have always prided myself on being well educated and versed on the benefits of eating healthily and well. So to be warned of the pending outcome, was like a bolt of lightning.  I don’t smoke, drink or do drugs, yet here I was popping 19 tablets a day, unable to walk more than ten minutes without having to lay down, or sit. I took this challenge poorly at first but came to realise that it was I that had to make a stand. At the beginning of 2014, I had extremely high blood sugar; H1C’s abnormally high, High blood pressure, regular use of inhaler to combat angina and respiratory issues, unable to sleep or do a day’s work without pain medication due to a prolapsed vertebrae.  Of course all these conditions place pressure on ones state of mind and spiritual wellbeing.
This week, I met with my family doctor of 33 yrs.’, to have him pronounce a clean bill of health.  Blood pressure excellent, blood sugar normal, H1C’s normal, Cholesterol normal and healthy weight loss amazing (14kg in 9 months).  The diabetes nurse was so amazed that she rang me at home to say, “we are so used to progressing patients medication, that Its so amazing to see the control you have taken and the results achieved.” The results have been so effective that I have reduced medication steadily and has mostly stopped.
So what has changed? Well, firstly I have to acknowledge my faith in a God that heals. Secondly, taking personal responsibility to play my part in what foods I eat. And finally taking the time required in doing the research, (thus educating myself in the appropriate diet and lifestyle).
Here are the critical factors I discovered:
1.       The predominance of processed foods is engineered to sell produce (and added value) as a food source, not necessarily foods which are best for our health and well-being.
2.       Gluten and sugars are products used to bulk out and extend shelf life and occur in more products than are good for us. Many are hidden and addictive
3.       Excessive Carbohydrates can induce diabetes, increased weight and the storage of fat in the body. Reduced carbohydrate cause the metabolism to burn fat, assisting weight loss, and developing a healthier BMI. Harvard School of Public Health
In my extensive research I discovered some great journalism and some quite insidious revelations regarding the food manufacturing industry. The men who made us fat I also discovered the long term effects  that genetically modified foods will have on us the consumer, but above all, I have shaken off the symptoms  of ill health that resulted in my ignorant (yet trusting nature) of my food consumption.
One must keep in mind that as with the tobacco industry, alcohol industry (and now the food processing industry), expecting an unbiased, honest and transparent stance, is somewhat like asking a vampire to guard the blood bank.  There is a vested interest to ensure that they can continue in business as long as it is possible. Until the “tipping point” is reached, don’t expect manufacturers, food processor, pharmaceutical body, or politicians to support their own demise.  I highly recommend that you read Fat Chance: The bitter truth about sugar by Dr. Robert Lustig.
One of the factors that concern me greatly is the lack of regulatory muscle that most governments are prepared to use to protect out health. Pharmaceutical companies have to go through a pretty rigorous process before selling their products on the open market. The food industry does not, yet more people are affected by the daily consumption of processed foods, than by medicines, which by and large are dispensed by a healthcare professional. I believe we are far too trusting of food manufacturers, processors, and governments, in taking the appropriate measures to ensure we are not slowly killing ourselves by simply trusting (and eating) the food on our shelves.  
I haven’t at this point raised my wholehearted objection to the insidious strategy that GM will have on us all. From full control of who owns the seed, what seed is available and grown, what chemicals are used on them and whose water is monopolised in the production, cropping, storage and what network they are sold! There is sufficient evidence to warn us that the future prosperity and security of Nations will not be based on the minerals in the soil, but the arable land, water supply and food it can produce. A kingdom takes its root from two words. King and Dom! A king is the one who rules, and Dom is the old English word for earth, soil, land. The kingdom is all about who rules over the earth. If we give up our sovereignty and the ability to choose what we grow, we lose our ability to sustain life.
Having taken considerable time in research, soul searching and prayer, I literally took back control and personal responsibility for:
·         The foods I buy and from where
·         What and when I eat
·         What pharmaceuticals I allow in my body
·         Who I listen to about my health and whose information I trust
Here is the action that I took:
4.       If a food has been modified, processed, or enhanced, I don’t buy it or eat it.
5.       If the food label has anything written on it (other than the product you are buying), leave it.  
6.       Potatoes, Grains, wheat, pasta, rice, flour, breads and bakery is avoided like the plague.
7.       Portion size has decreased by virtue of wholesome food which sustains longer
8.       Fresh meats, vegetables, nuts (tree), coconut products (flour, oil, cream, milk) eaten daily
9.       Follow paleo recipes, lifestyle and blogs to ensure I am kept aware of new products
10.   Eat more frequently, smaller but healthier foods and as little cooking time as is safe
“He that has an experience is never at the mercy of he who has an argument”.
Or to use the old biblical passage, “Once I was blind, but now I see”  John 9:25
Diabetes and the western world are at epidemic proportions. We have trusted too long the manufacturers and big corporates which ply us with foods detrimental to our health. We trust them and have done for oh so long.  It wasn’t that long ago that “fat” was the demon in our food products, but research is showing the effects of sugar are far more harmful to our bodies than fat, which the body can regulate, eaten appropriately and proportionately. We trust the marketing gurus (who are employed by corporate bodies) who in turn sway government policies by using political lobbyists.
I believe we are likely (in the years ahead) to see food manufacturers forced to place warning labels on the food they sell, just like the tobacco companies are today. We are far too trusting of our food manufacturers; after all, one only needs to study the history of tobacco, sugar, alcohol and the slave trades, to see how far corporates are prepared to go in the pursuit of profit.
The Game on TV is sponsored by the betting agency who legitimises their product by ending with “and please remember to gamble responsibly”, yet homes, families, careers and lives are wrecked by the ravages of gambling. The alcohol and tobacco adverts are prohibited on the player’s kit, but it appears in all other mediums, and advertisers work hard to present a wholesome image to its consumers. Sugared drinks are promoted as being the stuff of athletes, energy bursts and hip colours that look cool on television in the hand of a sporting icon. Truth is, they are killing us…over time.
The tipping point –
When the cost to the government for medical care, is greater than the revenue to the government from the food industry, we will see policy changes, for sure! Until then, we need to educate ourselves into taking personal responsibility for the foods we consume.  After all, we are staking our lives on it.
Some links: