Sunday, June 21, 2015


The only difference between being in a rut and being in a grave, is a grave has an end to it.

Many people get stuck into a rut and the same old same old lifestyle of events and none events, a bit like "Ground Hog Day:. Is that you?

There are many benefits in hiring a life coach, but those benefits need to be honestly assessed and achieved. This is primarily achieved as a result of a good 360 degree assessment of the clients (your) needs.

Coaching is primarily about asking questions; questions which are both insightful and empowering.

Anyone can ask questions, but the timing and relevance of them, can build up and pull down. Finding fault is easy, finding solutions is an art and strategic in the discovery of self and one’s preferable future.

Prior to engaging a client, I establish a clear picture of the client’s willingness and motivation to achieve their preferable outcomes. If these cannot be readily defined at the outset, the outcome is more likely to be that of a dream than a vision. Not all business is good business, particularly when one considers we are dealing with PEOPLE not PRODUCTS. The outcome must be a win-win or the process can be a long hard slog.

Here are the key questions I always ask prior to taking on a client. 

If the client cannot initially answer them, then we are at base camp, and preparation needs to be done, prior to taking the journey.  Of course, there is NO magic formula, as all manner of “life” issues can affect the way one sees things today. Tomorrow’s perspective, could be vastly different.

So, are you ready for a collaborative and strategic coaching partnership? 

Can you answer these questions now?

1.       Why – Do you need a life coach?

2.       What – Do you want to achieve?

3.       What – Is, and has been stopping you to-date?

4.       When – Do you want to achieve this by?

5.       How – Will achieving these goals look and benefit you?

Once we have a consensus on these questions, the next phase is to build a strategic plan of action, with a clear risk assessment, highlighting the road blocks and likely objections that will surface during the sessions, and hold the client accountable to it.

This is the crucible of all coaching. 

Coaching is not just recognising ones strengths and weaknesses; it is the planning, execution (and most of all), the accountability process. Few individuals ever achieve their full potential without accountability. 


Because human nature is like water, it naturally takes the least path of resistance.

An old proverb goes like this “Man is born to strife, as surely as sparks fly upwards.” Coaching keeps one honest, accountable, and focused.

Are you ready for that?